# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT %global fontname tlwg-fonts %global archivename fonts-tlwg BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: make BuildRequires: fontforge >= 20071110 Version: 0.7.3 Release: 7%{?dist} License: GPL-2.0-or-later AND Bitstream-Vera URL: https://linux.thai.net/projects/fonts-tlwg %global foundry TLWG %global fontlicenses COPYING %global fontdocs AUTHORS README NEWS %global common_description %{expand: %{archivename} provides a collection of free scalable Thai fonts. } %global obsoletes_thai()\ %define familyname %1 \ Obsoletes: thai-scalable-fonts-common < 0.7.3-7 \ Provides: thai-scalable-fonts-common = %{version}-%{release} \ Obsoletes: thai-scalable-%{familyname}-fonts < 0.7.3-7 \ Provides: thai-scalable-%{familyname}-fonts = %{version}-%{release} \ %global fontfamily1 Garuda %global fontsummary1 Thai Garuda fonts %global fontpkgheader1 %{expand: %obsoletes_thai garuda } %global fonts1 nf/Garuda*.otf %global fontconfs1 %{SOURCE13} %global fontdescription1 %{expand: %{common_description} This package provides the Garuda family of Thai fonts. } %global fontfamily2 Kinnari %global fontsummary2 Thai Kinnari fonts %global fontpkgheader2 %{expand: %obsoletes_thai kinnari } %global fonts2 nf/Kinnari*.otf %global fontconfs2 %{SOURCE14} %global fontdescription2 %{expand: %{common_description} This package provides the Kinnari family of Thai fonts. } %global fontfamily3 Loma %global fontsummary3 Thai Loma fonts %global fontpkgheader3 %{expand: %obsoletes_thai loma } %global fonts3 nectec/Loma*.otf %global fontdescription3 %{expand: %{common_description} This package provides the Loma family of Thai fonts. } %global fontfamily4 Norasi %global fontsummary4 Thai Norasi fonts %global fontpkgheader4 %{expand: %obsoletes_thai norasi } %global fonts4 nf/Norasi*.otf %global fontconfs4 %{SOURCE11} %global fontdescription4 %{expand: %{common_description} This package provides the Norasi family of Thai fonts. } %global fontfamily5 Purisa %global fontsummary5 Thai Purisa fonts %global fontpkgheader5 %{expand: %obsoletes_thai purisa } %global fonts5 tlwg/Purisa*.otf %global fontdescription5 %{expand: %{common_description} This package provides the Purisa family of Thai fonts. } %global fontfamily6 Sawasdee %global fontsummary6 Thai Sawasdee fonts %global fontpkgheader6 %{expand: %obsoletes_thai sawasdee } %global fonts6 tlwg/Sawasdee*.otf %global fontdescription6 %{expand: %{common_description} This package provides the Sawasdee family of Thai fonts. } %global fontfamily7 Tlwg Mono %global fontsummary7 Thai Tlwg Mono fonts %global fontpkgheader7 %{expand: %obsoletes_thai tlwgmono } %global fonts7 tlwg/TlwgMono*.otf %global fontdescription7 %{expand: %{common_description} This package provides the Tlwg Mono family of Thai fonts. } %global fontfamily8 Tlwg Typewriter %global fontsummary8 Thai Tlwg Typewriter fonts %global fontpkgheader8 %{expand: %obsoletes_thai tlwgtypewriter } %global fonts8 tlwg/TlwgTypewriter*.otf %global fontdescription8 %{expand: %{common_description} This package provides the Tlwg Typewriter family of Thai fonts. } %global fontfamily9 Tlwg Typist %global fontsummary9 Thai Tlwg Typist fonts %global fontpkgheader9 %{expand: %obsoletes_thai tlwgtypist } %global fonts9 tlwg/TlwgTypist*.otf %global fontdescription9 %{expand: %{common_description} This package provides the Tlwg Typist family of Thai fonts. } %global fontfamily10 Tlwg Typo %global fontsummary10 Thai Tlwg Typo fonts %global fontpkgheader10 %{expand: %obsoletes_thai tlwgtypo } %global fonts10 tlwg/TlwgTypo*.otf %global fontdescription10 %{expand: %{common_description} This package provides the Tlwg Typo family of Thai fonts. } %global fontfamily11 Umpush %global fontsummary11 Thai Umpush fonts %global fontpkgheader11 %{expand: %obsoletes_thai umpush } %global fonts11 tlwg/Umpush*.otf %global fontconfs11 %{SOURCE16} %global fontdescription11 %{expand: %{common_description} This package provides the Umpush family of Thai fonts. } %global fontfamily12 Laksaman %global fontsummary12 Thai Laksaman fonts %global fontpkgheader12 %{expand: %obsoletes_thai laksaman } %global fonts12 sipa/Laksaman*.otf %global fontconfs12 %{SOURCE15} %global fontdescription12 %{expand: %{common_description} This package provides the Laksaman family of Thai fonts. } %global fontfamily13 Waree %global fontsummary13 Thai Waree fonts %global fontpkgheader13 %{expand: %obsoletes_thai waree } %global fonts13 tlwg/Waree*.otf %global fontconfs13 %{SOURCE12} %global fontdescription13 %{expand: %{common_description} This package provides the Waree family of Thai fonts. } Source0: http://linux.thai.net/pub/ThaiLinux/software/%{archivename}/%{archivename}-%{version}.tar.xz Source11: 68-thai-scalable-norasi.conf Source12: 68-thai-scalable-waree.conf Source13: 90-thai-scalable-synthetic-garuda.conf Source14: 90-thai-scalable-synthetic-kinnari.conf Source15: 90-thai-scalable-synthetic-laksaman.conf Source16: 90-thai-scalable-synthetic-umpush.conf Name: tlwg-fonts Summary: Thai TrueType fonts %description %wordwrap -v common_description %fontpkg -a %prep %setup -q -n %{archivename}-%{version} %build %configure make %fontbuild -a %install %fontinstall -a %check %fontcheck -a %fontfiles -a %changelog * Tue May 23 2023 Peng Wu - 0.7.3-7 - Renamed from thai-scalable-fonts - Update to follow New Fonts Packaging Guidelines - Migrate to SPDX license